Monday, February 4, 2008


Practically dead from the Gorilla's birthday celebrations, I felt pretty wah wah all day long and even started to do the "John Isenberg-during-any-dinner party-slash-all-late-night temple-services" head nod in my art history class. I almost finished my still life painting and hopefully will finish it sometime this weekend. In Italian lab this afternoon we had to sing a song about an Italian man describing a women as being hot like bread, pretty as a passport with a babies picture in it (whatever that means) and being as beautiful as a nude bride on her wedding day.  The Italian men are truly freaky but it was rather entertaining.  We also had to go around the room and describe our future/dream/perfect husbands in Italian using different adjectives. Listen up future hubbies. Con gli occhi blu, bello, alto, forte, robusto, abronzato, felice, simpatico, intelligenti, onesto, artistico, ricco, moro, divertenti. (go to all you long lost lovers) Almost 100 percent exhausted after a full day of classes, the Gorilla and I stopped by the "asian market" (thats what they call it because it is run by asians however it has the most American food compared to all the other grocery stores) to pick up some spinach, eggplant and chicken.  We made a delicious meal. Erica and Sara finally arrived in Italy today and they live literally just a hop, a skip and a jump over the Medici palace. Early bed time tonight. Off to Venice tomorrow night for Carnival.

P.S. Despite what the Gorilla might tell you, she does snore. Rather she makes the earth rumble with her breath and shnooze. 

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I forgot to bring bitty bot's computer cord so I just took a picture of the camera (bitty bot is the name of my small digital camera)

Don't Be Scared Children...It Is Just The Gorilla.

I found a Gorilla mask at the euro store and gave it to the Gorilla for her birthday.