I made my first accordion book today and I am still waiting on orders from you all so start emailing me because the ants in my pants have made it to my bra and finger tips and I am ready to start making journals and books. During my break before photo, I prepared for my presentation that I was "apparently" going to give in class today, along with turning in my first photo assignment. My class arrived at photo and waited for five minutes, then ten and then jokingly our class decided that if she didn't come after 15 minutes we have our students rights to leave. We waited for nearly 15 minutes and then the brilliant Canadian (they are good for something) in our class looked at the door and saw that our teacher left us a note that class was canceled. SHABOO YA! I was actually thinking in my mind while preparing for this presentation that it would be pretty tight, tight like my jeans are on me know because I have gained the florentine fifty, If my teacher didn't show up and I didn't have to give my presentation. The Gorilla and I stayed up at the art school after class because our internet when out this afternoon and we needed to figure our plans out for the weekend and the next. This weekend and by that I mean tomorrow the Gorilla and I are heading to Barcelona and we just decided to head to Switzerland, Lucerne to be exact, the weekend after. We have learned very quickly that it is important to book things in advance. While the Gorilla was sending in her life to the world (aka her resumes across the world) and while I was skyping my friend Scott, loud drums and children screaming started to fill the streets around us. At first I thought it was the anarchists that had been protesting the night before (weird i know, for anarchists to gather together to protest but they are italians, enough said) then I thought that World War Three had started in Italy because the Italian government is no longer in office right now. But non of those things were true but rather it was a carnival parade that the local school was putting on. Similar to lancer day, actually only similar in the fact that it was a huge parade, hundreds of little chillin were dressed in every type of costume, from cows, to kittens, to euro store masks to even a trojan warrior. Confetti filled the streets and silly string was getting really silly all over the place. A small drumming band was going at it and a group of teachers followed (young and REALLY old) dressed like raggedy anne dolls. Then there were teachers (what we assumed to be teachers or else they were just really overly excited people singing and dancing and monitoring massive amounts of pee bodies) dressed in a all sorts of attires, from pig costumes, to pink zebras, you think of it, this parade had it. The gorilla and I ran out in to the streets to enjoy the fun for a little bit but then i was scared some might steal my computer so we ran back to school (for some reason i always think the world is out to get me) we went to Anna's for dinner for the typical and then headed back home to clean and pack. we were going to go to our favorite hang out because our internet was out but luckily as we were about to leave, the internet when back on. I met erica and sara for some gelato aka my favorite food.
p.s. Bus Station: Oh I forgot one minor detail about my day. After dinner we decided to buy our train tickets tonight because we are leaving right after class tomorrow to go to barcelepski. We are actually trying to be responsible travelers this time around. We got "apparently" got a free voucher for a train ride because we decided to come home early from Venice and the train was cheaper on the return, thus we got a voucher. Being the innocent amuricans that we are we trusted miss weed-wacker train lady (her hair looked like someone had taken a weed-wacker to it) and she gave us a train ticket that is only valid from
from tuesday the fifthness of february in the yearth two thousand and eigth
Monday, February 11, 2008
lessons to be learned + photogs for the home dogs.
[my first photog project]
I had to stay after class tonight to finish my photog project that is due tomorrow. I love the art schools system they have set up here because they close the studios down at 11:00 pm. Which basically means that if you haven't finished your work by 11:00 pm tough luck but go enjoy your evening because you only live once (deep). Michigan should learn from this system.
post from the day of fourness, in the month of february, in the two thousand and eightness.
normally sundays are good days to do nothing. but not this sunday.
I am carrying on my family Sunday night dinner tradition with my extended family here in Florence. I cooked for 10 people (I strongly emphasize the "I" because the Gorilla actually did nothing to help) a scrumptious cuisine of pasta and broccoli (half with garlic, for the garlic lovers and half with out, for the garlic haters), eggplant and zucchini on the side (they are acquired tastes), bread, tomatoes, parmesan and olive oil along with a side of cheese and crackers. Dara, Effie, Erica, Sara, Rachel, Adam and the Gorilla and I gathered around our dining room table for long stories and long laughs. I went to the painting studio tonight to finish my still that is due tomorrow. Across the world my real family was enjoying their family dinner at my house while I was enjoying my family dinner. They loved it so much the transformed into family dinner creatures (see above)
post from sunday the third of february in the year two thousand and eight.
post from sunday the third of february in the year two thousand and eight.
Rain Rain Go Away, If You Won't We Won't Stay.
In the middle of the night I awoke to a burst bee's moppity-mop-it traveling hippie climbing into the top bunk of the Gorilla's bunk bed. We had been expecting our other mysterious roommate to arrive but we did not expect it to be at 4:00 in the morning. She started talking to us as if it were 4 in the afternoon, but still a little drugged from the tylenol pm I took last night (because I was about to kill the Gorilla with my snores the night before. I normally don't snore but I have a wee bit of a cold, and the Gorilla told me she didn't sleep at all last night because shnoze face me was growling the whole night) I remember briefly talking to her but then I dozed right back to sleep. She climbed right into the unmade pasty colored mattress and went to bed, no sheets no pjs. When our alarm went off the Gorilla and I showered and got dressed as soon as possible for fear our roommate might want to join us for the day. We were not sure if she was traveling by herself. Unfortunately it was raining so the Gorilla and I decided to take the late train home tonight so we wouldn't a. have to pay another night at the fema b. be in the rain all day and c. so we could come home to our own beds and enjoy a relaxing Sunday. We ventured around Venice all day, dodging umbrella tops and while drinking bellini's. We checked our bags in at the train station so we didn't have to carry them around. I discovered that my new favorite drink is the Bellini and I could drink it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. What a great discovery, something my parents will be so proud of, their daughter discovering her favorite alcoholic drink. Life changing! Miraculously we were able to get a cheaper train home and we even got a voucher for a free train ride to use at a later date. We boarded the train to Bolgna. Exhausted I went into narco narco state of being. We got off at Bolgna only to realize that our next train wasn't going to take us to the right train station in Florence. Typical. Rather than buying another ticket we decided to be the inferior Gorilla and sidekick and just hop aboard the train we wanted to go on. With no seating assignments and no legit ticket we picked a random cart with a sleeping artist/ former jazz club piano player (I am not sure what he really does, those are just my guess, if I had to choose). The train clicker came around, noticed we had the wrong tickets and then proceeded on to the next cart. It must have been a lucky ticket because I know the Gorilla and I are not lucky. We made it home safe and sound.
p.s. For those of you wondering...Venice is not sinking. I learned this weekend that it is actually the water that is rising and it won't be for another 200 years or more until it goes under. So those of you aka the Gorilla who told me that Venice was going to sink in the next 10 years, have no fear and you are wrong! But still go visit Venice. Best city in the world.
p.s. For those of you wondering...Venice is not sinking. I learned this weekend that it is actually the water that is rising and it won't be for another 200 years or more until it goes under. So those of you aka the Gorilla who told me that Venice was going to sink in the next 10 years, have no fear and you are wrong! But still go visit Venice. Best city in the world.
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