Today was the real day of the birth of Pants. The Gorilla and I made signs tonight to in honor of her b-day. Signs like "what-up-b**tches, I am 21, with a picture of her from facebook, made our apartment quite a funny enviornment.
The Gorilla, our favorite friend in art school and I picked up the most delicious greek food and headed back up to the art school for an artsy fartys book arts party. We got home around 11 because the mid-night owl hooted us out. I drew a picture of the midnight owl and I will post soon. I am not sure if I even mentioned who the mid-night owl was but she is the art school monitor who does not speak a drop of English and all she know is how to say Clean Up in 5 minutes. She is a very unforntunate creature and is often caught singin opera and or classical music while making art.
I packed up my bag because tomorrow I AM STERDAM.
from day of the birth of pants "shasty fowler", that being the thursday, the fourth of April.
I took 21 shots for her on her 21 birthday (don't think I am crazy, shots being photographs. Here are some from yesterday and tonight,.