Monday monday monday. A beautiful Monday indeed. Being here has made me actually not hate Mondays so much. I thought I was in big Italian doggie doo doo today because I forgot to do my Italian homework and then realized 10 minutes before the class that I should probably start it but there was just not enough time. I think my teachers have been able to get into my mind lately and when I arrived in Italian my teacher told us we were going on a field trip after we went over the first part of our homework. The same first part that I was actually able to complete. Then, we took a class walk to the Arno to watch jets fly over us shooting Green, Red and White smoke from them. The "president" (even though I didn't think there was a government in Italy right now) was in town visiting Florence. To show some country pride, the jets decided to give the city a show. We saw the jets go over our heads twice while walking to the river but by the time we finally got to the river, the show was over. It wasn't all that sad because a. we did get to see part of the show and b. we got to leave almost an hour early. Anna's for lunch ( I attached a picture of the table that I sit at...for visuals) For some reason, my favorite delight tasted more delicious than usual and the Gorilla and I were on the verge of ordering another one but we held back and told ourselves that we didn't deserve it and that our minds were just playing tricks on us. Indeed they were!! I picked up some euro store bubble gum and h20 and headed to painting. I will weirdly not get far on my painting at all and my teacher will love it. I will weirdly scribble in something and he will love it more than the stuff I actually spend long hard hours on but he is really encouraging about all my work which makes me excited. I am documenting my process so hopefully pictures will be coming soon. After class, I was exhausted and I came home to "write emails" in my bed which eventually led to a cat nap. The Gorilla and I cooked up a delicious couscous topped with chicken and veggies. We sat up on the balcony in hopes to see a glimpse of the President of Italy but instead we were able to see the blue sky and the Duomo glistening in the sun (so it was almost as good!) We finally got rid of the lentils today and I will never go back to those mushy days ever again! Tonight, I had a fashion meeting at school. My roommate asked me to be a model for her for the fashion show our school is throwing on at the end of the semester. She is in a garment construction class and obviously she couldn't resist picking the worlds most beautiful people, duh, the me and the Gorilla. However, I left the meeting a wee bit worried because they said I would have to wear high heals (gold ones to be specific) and that I would have to straighten my hair AND that I should probably practice. I am going to have to watch a few episodes of America's Next Top Model to get a few tricks. At the end of the semester the show will be held at this trendy club called 21 and we get a VIP room after the party! Bed time stories and catching up on life. Think of a photo project, think Allison, Think!
Monday, March 31, 2008
Sunday is a good day to do nothing.

Not only was it the Italian day light savings time today, it was also the first time that the Gorilla and I have actually stayed in bed past 9. It was probably not the best idea to sleep in on the one day where you lose an hour but it didn't seem to put a damper on our day. Today was another glorious day. The sun shining, the air smelled liked sweet honey and fresh cut grass. For some reason we thought we were special human beings and deserved to go out to eat today. We seem to be doing that alot lately. Today we convinced ourselves that since we missed eating breakfast, we should go for brunch and because we would normally spend 5 euro on breakfast (which we hardly do) and 5 euro on lunch (which we actually some times do, when we get dried fruit and Anna's). And what would a brunch be if it weren't at a restaurant called "American Brunch" We spent an usual and ridiculous amount of time getting ready today, probably because it was sunny and warm and our wardrobe options have sure opened up. We didn't leave the apartment until 2:15. Greek Omelet with fruit and toast, potatoes, side salad, ketchup and fresh black berry jam, with a side of American Coffee and Natural water. For 10 euro it was sure worth it. We sat out side, we watched tour groups with back packs and sunglasses follow the leader, we watched little boys drag bags of trash bags down the street and even made friends with a 6 year old Italian boy. The only unfortunate part about this whole dining experience was when the Jap squad entered sporting American Apparel's entire clothing line and Ugg boots with hobo bags and sun glasses bigger than their face. It is so sad that they think they are making a fashion statement or let alone that they think it is a trend because oversized t-shirts and sweat pants tucked in your boots and straight greasy hair seems more like something a hobo would wear, maybe thats why they call the style of purse that they all carry hobo's because they want to look like them. Its a little ironic the world snottiest people would want to look like hobo's. I can't believe I am dedicating this much of my blog space for this enough. After our delicious brunch and stories about crazy babysitters, and thank you notes written in black berry jam, (see above) the Gorilla and I headed back home to pick up a book, a blanket and our journals to bring to the Boboli gardens. After yesterdays magical day, I became obsessed with the Boboli gardens and I had to return again today. The weather is just incredible, that we couldn't do anything else but sit in a park and relax. We had story time in Boboli gardens and by that I mean I became a book on tape and I read to the Gorilla. We started a new book called "Can You Keep A Secret". Even though Mama I. gave it to me and told me she hated it, we were in the mood for a trashy novel. The author is the same person who wrote all those dumb "Shopaholic" books. 62 pages later, we were interrupted by the lady on the intercom telling us we had to go home. It was a bummer because it was not only a good part in the book but it was that time of day where the sun is still out but it is starting to cool down and there is not a cloud in the sky. We discovered a gigantic Centro. It was like discovering Super Target out south after going to the Target on Ward Parkway for all those years. We were so impressed. With such a late lunch, we thought PB and J and fruit was just what we needed for dinner. We finally made it home around 7. We climbed to the top of our apartment to watch the sun go down, to sip chi tea and finish another chapter in our book. We could of read for another hour or two because the book was full of such intensity but the sun went down and I couldn't see anymore. I went up the art school around 9 and worked for a couple hours on my new painting. I just got home, but my internet is not working so I am typing this on a sticky note on my desk top. I am going to try to go to bed early tonight but I know that that is probably not going to happen because the Gorilla has been asking me a million questions today and she will probably continue until the wee hours.
sunday of the day of the 30th of march-ness two thousand and aight.
trashy novels in the park. space electronica in the dark.
We were going to go to Padova and Verona today with our school but at the last second The Gorilla decided to be a TC Gorilla and back out on it. Now that I am reflecting on my day, I don't hate her for it but last night I wanted to kill her. I could of gone on my own but the kids on CEA are actually terrible human beings who do not deserve to be abroad. I decided to hell with the Gorilla, I was going to go on my own schedule today. There are so many things that I have yet to see in Florence, so today was a catch up day for me. I was a tourist in my city. I grabbed a latte from the bar down stairs and then headed to the Boboli gardens. The line at the main entrance was so long that I decided to check out the back entrance. Since I arrived here, I have been trying to go this museum by the Boboli gardens called La Specula, and it just happened to be on my way to the back entrance and it just happened to be open. Room after room after room after room of every kind of species. My body went into shock. It was like walking into Bloomingdales and finding that the entire store was on sale. Unfortunately they didn't let me take pictures, which actually ended up being a blessing because I really got to look at everything and observe. My pen and handy dandy note book became one and I couldn't stop drawng. Birds, ardvarks, elephants, fish, worms, crikets, thing of animal, they had it all (they were stuffed ofcourse) I went into a drawing freenzy. The collection started in the 1700's and then the Medici family took into their arms and it became their private collection. The last part of the museum was by far the most interesting. Cases and cases and cases were filled with wax figures of different parts of the human anatomy. They were used as studies. Livers, eye balls, even pee pee's were sliced and diced and disected into a million and a half different ways. Technical drawings filled the walls. Cases of plastic women with their stomaches cut open and their hearts flinging out of their bodies. Below I attached some pictures of my drawings. Let just say I arrived there at 10 am and didn't leave until 1:30. I finally made it to the Boboli gardens around 2. I couldn't have asked for a better day. I sat in a nook at the base of a tree and read an entire book. Amy I. is a collector of trashy novels and on the way to Florence, she let me read one of them because I forgot to bring my book. I read about 5 pages on the plane before falling asleep but I never gave it back to her. I couldn't stop reading it. I now know why my mother can a. can read so fast b. read so many trashy love novels. Do not let her know that I am telling you this (even though I know you (mom) are reading this right now red in the face) I was hooked and I just couldn't put it down. After I finished my heart throbbing romance novel, I thought I had had enough mushy gushy goodness for one day but the minute I pulled my head out of my book, I noticed that love was all around me. Romantic couples were shnuggling in the park holding hands, kissing, laughing and enjoying the day in the sun. I watched one couple like it I watched Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosling in the Notebook. I know this sounds creepy but it was just so beautiful. Europe is full of lovers that aren't afraid to be in love. Around 5 I decided I had enough of lovey dovey action for one day and was on my way out of the garden when I heard drums pounding at the top of a hill in the gardens. Sure enough an entire parade of people dressed medieval costumes carrying flags and swords. Two men even engaged in an sword fight. In this city of magic and wonder, you never know what is going to happen. I met the Gorilla at the art school and I finished my photog project. We decided that since we were staying in Florence tonight we better take the opportunity and go out for a night on the town and by town I mean we better go to Space Electronica for a night of dancing. Dara, Rach Ha and the Gorilla and I made our way over to Space but we spent an unusually short time their because the Gorilla was being a spastic party pooper and wanted to go home. She wanted to go home so bad, she ran an unconcious marathon. I don't even think she knew how fast she could run. It was a beautiful day in the neighborhood. I am smiling now as I write this blog because I can't get over how wonderful the weather was and it was a perfect "allison" kind of day. So for all of you long lost husbands reading this blog (since I know I attract so many of them), you can read this and maybe find tips.
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