Thursday, March 6, 2008

Just Call Me An Elephant.

The Gorilla and I have truly gotten better at this whole traveling thing and every time we fly it just seems to get easier and easier. I guess it helps when the airport is actually located in the city that it says it is. I guess it also helps when the airline is a legit airline, where you don't have to pay to get your boarding pass and I guess it helps when you actually sorta kinda know what you are doing. So here is the skinny (on the not so skinny) Spring Break. The Gorilla and I are heading to Malaga, Spain. For two nights we are staying in Marbella (just 45 minutes south of Malaga) because our hotel deal is a Saturday to Saturday kinda thang. Monica, the bestest of the besties, is coming down all the way from London on Friday night, then on Saturday morning, if all goes to plan, Amy-the-pretty-pony, is going to come down from Barcelpski and meet us in Marbella, then we are all going to take a cab from Marbella to Estepona. And thats not all. Then Lime, Karp, and Joj are going to take the train down Saturday morning and meet us at the hotel for a night of fun. Monica, the bestest of the besties and Amy-the-pretty-pony are going to stay until Monday. We kinda have this whole plan down to a T, we will just have to cross our t's and hope to die and stick a needle in our, that it all works out. The Gorilla and I hoped aboard the 8:15 train to Bologna, and then took the bus to the airport. We had a lay over in Madrid, and we were so hungry, hungry enough to eat a sandwich comprised of bread, potatoes and eggs. Normally I wouldn't dare touch a thing like that but our other options were McFlurries, or 1 euro sandwiches that looked like they had come from a space ship, and or from the same place twinkies and zebra cakes are made and we didn't want to die. We finally got into Malaga but then had to wait two hours for the bus because we were told that the buses were off schedule because it was a holiday, "Holiday Andalucia" to be exact. But we secretly knew this was going to happen to us because we checked the bus schedule before we left and because our visit is considered "off season" and or the "winter months" the buses do not run at their regular times. Infatuated with the people at the airport the Gorilla and I sucked on M and M's, Maltese's and Starbursts ( I hate to admit...I am just a fat kid in a little suit these days) and we watched the world go round and round. We secretly wanted to buy trashy magazines from the newspaper stand but it cost three euros so instead we ate candy. Duh naturally. We finally got on the bus and finally got Marbella and then finally took a cab from Marbella to our hostel. We finally arrived at Hostal Berlin around 8:00. Confusing, I know, that a hostal in Spain would be called Berlin, but indeed that was the name (hostel spelled with an A..not a spelling mistake, only the truth). Interestingly enough, the hostel is owned by an Argentinean family. The cute little lady behind the counter (her name I can't remember possibly because she never gave it me) was just adorable. She showed us to our room and then gave us suggestions for dinner. We pretended to listen to her, because on the way to the hostel, we saw a chinese buffet for only 5 euro that was actually just down the street. Good Chinese food, come to think of it any Chinese food is difficult to find in Florence and were craving anything.
Again with this whole buffet thing, I should just start making a general rule for myself..NO BUFFETS, they always result in over indulgence. This place reminded me a bit like the buffet from Vegas Vacation, however the food was actually appetizing. They had these peanuts under a heat lamp, salted and crispy and de-licous. Dad you would of loved them. I ate so many, I actually turned into an elephant. Stuffed from eating the words most unhealthy food, the Gorilla and I, headed straight up stairs and went right to bed. Long day. Another attempt at Spain, here I come.

FEB 28th in the year of the thousands of two-ness and then add an eight to the end.

Ain't No Thang.

I never thought I would study the night before for 2 midterms and on top of that do eight study paintings in a hour and half. But miraculously I was able to get it done. If I had been at Michigan, I would have been preparing for my exams and projects two weeks in advance and probably would have had two panic attacks and two all nighters. In Italy, things like that are not acceptable and I am here for a cultural immersion, thus my actions here are acceptable because it is part of the culture (thats what I keep telling myself...Don't worry Linda J and My Dear Oma, both the Gorilla and I keeping up our studies!). But it wasn't just me who was laxed about them, you could tell all of my professors didn't really seem to care that that much either. I arrived promptly for my Art History exam at 9:30 am and my HP Dolby looking teacher couldn't find the midterm on her computer and she searched for 20 minutes to find the exam. I told her we could wait until we came back from break, but just as I said that she some how found it. She was about to start sweating her blue eye shadow off, because we were already 20 minutes into the class. I did a little over average job, possibly B work on it. Not too shabby. I found out that my "midterm" that I took in Italian class on Monday was actually the real midterm, however Lorenzo was not supposed to give it to us, and right before the exam, I discovered that I would be taking another exam. The real midterm this time. It was basically the exact same "midterm" that I took on Monday but the words were different and the order was mixed up. No biggie. Ain't No Thang. And some how, how? I am not so sure, but some how my painting teacher loved my paintings and I think my crit went really shwell. Shasty pants (now everyone in the house just calls her pants, even herself), the Gorilla and I headed down the street for an all you can eat buffet at El Parata for only 6 euro. I know I shouldn't be going to an all you can eat buffet before heading to Malaga Spain TOMORROW where I will be wearing a bathing suit on the beach (whether the weather permits me or not) but I was so hungry and I walk past this poor little restaurant every single day, I felt that it was my duty to stop in and try their delicious looking food. And indeed it was. My internet has not been working properly, thus this post will probably go up sometime next week when I am in Malaga because the computers at the art school are OH SO poopy. I figured out today that Malaga indeed is where we are flying into but the hostel that we are staying in Thursday and Friday night are in Marbella which is 45 minutes from the Malaga airport in which we are flying into and the hotel that we are staying in Saturday to Saturday is actually in Estepona which is 15 minutes from Marbella which makes it an hour and five minutes from Malaga. While I must admit that I haven't not done much planning for my spring break because a. I booked it before coming abroad (basically Ji and Ji are the worlds most generous people and instead of allowing themselves to take a vacation for a week, they have, why? I am not so sure, but some how have decided that instead of using their Disney Vacation Club points all for themselves, they are letting me use them) b. I booked my flight the second week I got here, and assumed that when I read on the hotels website that I should fly into Malaga, I just assumed that it was in Malaga. I have learned that making assumptions is not always good, actually it is really bad, so today, the day before leaving for my week long spring break, I thought it might be a good idea to not make those assumptions and do a little research as to how I was going to get to the hostel in Marbella and then get to the Hotel in Estepona. I did all of my research, printed out my flight itinerary, jotted down a few phone numbers just to be safe, and then headed over to Erica's and Sara's to say hello to D-Len. Unfortunately, he had more important things to do like go out, so we were only able to chit chat for negative five seconds. Sara decided it would be cool to dance like a freak, Sara my love, sometimes it is cool to dance like a freak but most of the time it just isn't. Love you anyway! Came home from the Cavour kids apartment and packed up for my big spring break. The Gorilla and I were going to share a bag but by the time I came home the Gorilla had already pack her Gorilla bag and because she is a Gorilla, her clothes are rather Gorilla-ish and her bag was filled to the top. I didn't bring a small carry-on-roller-bag, and thought because I am going away for the week and because I am actually taking a legit airline this time, I might as well fill-er-up and I decided to pack the big relish hot dog duffel bag on wheels (its like an Oscar Meyer Weiner truck, just green). Pants (that being Shastypants) gave me my nightly entertainment, told stories, and asked for some butt stories from A and E. Big day tomorrow. Train to Bologna, Bus to Airport, Flight to Madrid, flight from Madrid to Malaga, Malaga Airport to the Marbella bus station, Marbella bus station to cab, cab to hostel. All of my bags are packed and I am ready to go. "I am standing here out side your door I HATE TO WAKE YOU UP TO SAY GOODBYE BECAUSE I AM LEAVING ON A JET PLANE, DON"T KNOW WHEN I WILL BE BACK AGAIN"...err sorry for the sudden burst to sing and then type while I am won't happen again!

FEB. 27 2008-the post came from that date.