South Beach Diet watch out because Allison Isenberg can make you loose 25 pounds in one day! (however, you must be a suitcase!) As of Sunday night my suitcases were each 25 pounds over weight and with in a matter of hours my suitcases were able to shed their extra pounds and they passed the ultimate test of all time (aka. the airport scales). They are now safely (fingers crossed) on their way to Florence. John Isenberg walked out of the KCI airport with a bag full of feminine products, a pillow and a power cord (they didn't make the cut...auf wiedersehen) I successfully made it on the airplane to Chicago after "big lady hair clip" tried to convince me that my oversized outdoor camping backpack wasn't going to fit in the overhead compartment which resulted in some whopper tears flying out of my eye balls (Becky Poskin I almost had an asthma attack and I don't even have asthma) Once again, I proved the airport wrong (and big lady hair clip) and I walked onto the plane 10 minutes before take off and the bag fit. Because I have the slightest bit of OCD and anxiety, I decided to come to Chicago only 5 hours before my flight actually leaves for Florence (all I have to say is...it seemed like a good idea at the time when mom and I realized last week that we hadn't booked my flight from Kansas City to Chicago..welcome to the life of an Isenberg!) Now I am enjoying some classic elevator music in the food court with my traveling gorilla (aejo@umich.edu..some call her ada) I have a few butterflies flying in my stomach but I am ready. Prepare yourself Florence...I am coming! (the picture...true americans)
This is not 100% accurate - the power strip did make it - allison just look in the bottom of the suitcase compartment.
Allison, you so funny...love you bunches
Allison: I just love your stories. You have become a super writer and very funny and entertaining. We had a farewell dinner at Tatsu's this evening for Kate. It was great , but we missed you. To-morrow night we will all go to a play at Barstow's where Samantha has a main role in a play so we will have plenty of clapping to do for her! Friday we are off for New Orleans to Walter's second surprise party. All this to keep you up to date what is going on at home. My love to you and best wishes for the Gorilla, I have to meet her when you return. Oma
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