Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Crazy Rice. Florescent Lights. Welcoming Venice Nights.

I am actually getting sick. Mom don't worry. I will be fine but for the first time in a really long time (aka since the snip snip of the tonsils tonsils) I have had a wee bit of a sore throat.  Luckily Thursdays are my favorite days so I was able to perk up a bit. In bookmaking I learned how to make my own book binding cloth.  I am so artsy fartsy these days...all I want is a Michael's and shopping cart because it is rather difficult to find the supplies I need here. But now I can take any fabric my little heart desires and make it into a cover using an ancient Japanese process using wheat starch.  I feel like a bubby but instead of knitting all day...I just want to make books and books. Guess what I had for lunch? Anna's! I stayed after class today to work on photog because I am heading to Venice tonight for Carnival and I have a project due the Tuesday I return. 5 1/2 hours later, slightly on happy pills because of the chemicals and the "crazy rice" I devoured while waiting for my film to dry, I finished only 3 of the 5 prints. (p.s. crazy chips are like coco crispies in the States but they look more like gerbil food and taste a little bit like coco-cardboard but they only cost 1 euro..oh how I love the euro store) After class the Gorilla and I rushed home to pack for Venice and gather enough food for the weekend so we wouldn't have to pay for food in Venice (our roommates went last weekend and said that it was rather pricey and that they didn't have a euro store) Right now I am sitting on the trainto Venice writing this blog of bloggy-ness while the Gorilla is playing connect the dots freckles astrology style and is connecting every single freckle on her arm. I kind of feel like I want to vomit right now because I am so exhausted, that kind of exhausted where your eyes burn and your fingers feel fat from traveling but I can't because they have lined the train with florescent lights or incandescent bug lights for those of you who don't understand the pain that I am in.  I am facing the Gorilla and she looks rather similar to olive oil head man because she forgot to wash all of the shampoo out of her hair today and I look like a cow that has been tipped over while sleeping and is discombobulated.  The man behind me is blasting show tunes but looks diabetic and depressed (The Gorilla wanted to offer him some gummies but she thought it might raise his blood sugar) Before getting on the train the Gorilla and I stopped by the euro store to buy three bags of gummies that was supposed to last us the entire weekend but the gummies here are like drugs, and 2 bags down, you could say we have an addiction to rasta pasta sours sticks and friendly farm animals chews. We really have no clue how to get to the hostel we are staying at tonight and I can't even remember the name of it but like all Gorilla and sidekick adventures, I know we will figure it out.  Nothing could be more exciting than plopping me and the Gorilla in Venice during the most crazy time of the year. We just arrived in Venice. Dear god, help me.
-ciao ciao
+written on the train to Venice on January 31, 2008 at approximately 22:00. 

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