Wednesday, February 20, 2008

if yodelers and gnomes built a city, it would be called luzern.

We set our alarms for 8:30 a.m. because our hostel offered an included breakfast and regardless of how I felt, I wasn't going to miss out on an opportunity to eat free food. Yogurt, corn flakes, toast with jam, coffee, OJ and an after breakfast tea was just what I needed to go into a good food como and right after breakfast we headed back upstairs to sleep in. Luzern is a very small city and is divided in half by a lake. The "newside" of the city is on one side of the river and the "oldside" on the other. We were staying on the old. It was very cold today but luckily I bundled up in my long underwear, gloves and wrapped my scarf around my entire face like gas mask. We found out that the exchange rate was 1 to 1.2 which almost means that the U.S. dollar has value but not really but hey it is better than the euro. The Gorilla and I were so excited about actually having our money worth almost something that we decided to go window shopping and actually go into stores, where as back in Italy we just lust over the shoes but never dream of walking in. Here we didn't feel so bad. After walking the streets and hiking the ancient wall that lined a portion of the old city with nine towers, we stopped to grab a bite to eat a resturant called Jazz "some german world I can't remember". We later found out that it was actually a hoppin' place to go in the evenings. We ventured out to the newside of town for a bit, aimlessly walking, just to get a feel for the city. We were going to head to a museum but decided to wait until tomorrow when were a little more perky. We stopped in a cafe right on the water to sip real hot coco and draw pretty pictures and write about our lives. Because we have been on the go so much, we were both in a little funk today. Pretty much sick and the Gorilla pretty much fried, we decided that this weekend was going to be a "do nothing but be happy" kind of a deal. For dinner we went to a fabulous Indian resturant recommeneded to us by a tourist hand book. Ironically, we had walked past the restuarant earlier in the day I go "Ugh, that looks disgusting". They had these pictures of the food in the window that looked like they had taken with a baby tykes camera...all blurry and narsty colored. The picture did not do them any justice. With a little nudge from the Gorilla (she eats Gorilla food so she is used to all sorts of concoctions) I ordered a fabulous chicken curry and it was one of the best meals I have had so far. Tonight we are going to a bar called Bouraboki where you go and watch films and then discuss the film with others at a bar inside the theatre. I think we are going to see "My Blueberry Nights" but I will let you know!

post from the friz-day of fridayness in the month of feb-u on the diz-ay

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