Saturday, February 2, 2008

January 29, 2008: Happy Birthday Gorilla!

I woke up early to decorate the apartment with the Gorilla's birthday surprise necessities from the euro store. I made her her favorite Gorilla feast but a little tired from the night before I dropped a few things like a pot and a fork on the floor while trying to make breakfast, so I think I woke the Gorilla up a little earlier than I had expected and a little earlier than she probably wanted to. We went to book arts and I finished my first hand made 40 paged journal. Remember I am starting a journal making company called Eanj + Fata so place your orders now..e-mail me at you want a one-of-a-kind-hand-made journal..just a simple email is all you need (because hand made things are always better made!) After class we went to Anna's for the usual (you should all know the order by now, so no need to repeat) and then we came home for a little nappy nap before hippie-hairy-mold photog ( I discovered my photo teacher has a rather large mole on her neck that has a small garden of hairs sprouting from it...delightful and very nice to draw). The Gorilla gave a presentation in class today and it was very interesting. Good job Gorilla! actually did something before me (mine is next week) Tonight we had an apertivo at our apartment. The twins cooked up a huge feast and our roommates decorated and bought more euro wine. It was an instant repeat of last night until our landlord came knocking at the door and obviously I was closest to the door. And obviously I was one the one who answered it. In a rather stern voice and violent arms motioning our land lord said "enough". And enough was enough. We had had enough. Well actually not quite we decided to go out. The masses of Americans have really started to go to our favorite hotspots. We headed to Beebop for a little Tuesday night grind to the Beatles but were could not even able walk down the stairs because it was so crowded with Amuricans and sweat waterfalls were dripping down the walls. I met up with Meredith (she just got to Florence tonight) and I also had another camp chi-jew-crew reunion in the middle of the street. By 11:30pm I was getting rather tired but the crew decided to head to JJ's. Thankfully it smelled like pee and it was too crowded that we were able to go home. HAPPY GORILLA BIRTHDAY GORILLA!

P.S. The night before @ JJ's we made the Gorilla wear an indian head dress and 2 guys bought her drinks. Tonight we made her wear a birthday cone hat. The bar tender questioned her as to how many nights she was planning to celebrate her birthday and she instantly told him that her birthday was a 24 hour celebration and then he gave her a free drink. She only speaks the truth. It truly was a 24 hour celebration and more fun than one gorilla and a sidekick could ask for.

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