Monday, February 11, 2008

normally sundays are good days to do nothing. but not this sunday.

I am carrying on my family Sunday night dinner tradition with my extended family here in Florence. I cooked for 10 people (I strongly emphasize the "I" because the Gorilla actually did nothing to help) a scrumptious cuisine of pasta and broccoli (half with garlic, for the garlic lovers and half with out, for the garlic haters), eggplant and zucchini on the side (they are acquired tastes), bread, tomatoes, parmesan and olive oil along with a side of cheese and crackers. Dara, Effie, Erica, Sara, Rachel, Adam and the Gorilla and I gathered around our dining room table for long stories and long laughs. I went to the painting studio tonight to finish my still that is due tomorrow. Across the world my real family was enjoying their family dinner at my house while I was enjoying my family dinner. They loved it so much the transformed into family dinner creatures (see above)

post from sunday the third of february in the year two thousand and eight.

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