Return from the damn damn delatusted around 4pm but for some reason I was in the mood for cleaning because all of the animals at the Via dei Ginori Zoo left the house an absolute pig sty. The Gorilla was to return around 5 pm, so I thought I would be a nice sidekick and cook dinna to eat on the roof. Grilled chix (holla Chef Karl..I haven't forgotten about you) and the view of the Duomo was just what I needed on a Sunday night. I was going to head to the Art School to do work but got caught up in trying to figure out my plans for the rest of the summer. At 10:30, I realized it was 10:30 and that I had been sitting with my eyes glued to the damn computer for far too long. Indeed it is nice to have internet in the apartment although Ufficio [Uooo Fiii Keey OOOO] (my internet host) likes to exclude me from surfing the web. Aliza, one of my roommates, hogs the internet. I swear her computer has internet magic in it because it always works. I mean if your computer was covered in pink. I mean everything, the font, the screen, the actual computer itself. Its hard for electrical things not to attract to it. But when my computer does work, I find myself bloody eyed hooked to the screen or as my roomate called me out on the other day " loving the home base too much". Maybe nights would be spent differently without it...who knows? But then I guess I wouldn't be speaking to any of you with out it. Well I am off to bed, long fun birhtday weekend, big exciting weekend ahead. See woah see woah
post ness from the month of april on the day of 6thness in the actual day of sunday in the year of 2 thousand and otto.
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