Sunday, March 23, 2008

Sunday is a good day to do nothing. Like flying for instance.

We actually woke up on time this morning, making record Isenberg time and headed over to the Ezri's for another feast in the east. (the east being eastern europe) Chris was going to be in a Purim play next week and he really wanted us to see the dress rehearsal so we headed over to the JCC for an early morning performance. It was a very interesting site to see. Standing on the stage was the choir composed of all generations. The young, the old, the not so young and the not so old. From what I could gather, hence I don't speak hebrew, romanian or hungarian, it was more like a medley of dances and songs rather than a play. Chris was the only boy raising his arms to the sky and bouncing is feet around. I was just so exhausted from the weekend of eating that it was a little difficult to pay attention the entire time. Mama I. and I made an observation this weekend: the hot fashion style for spring is having purple or red hair. The women at the JCC solidified our observations. One women went so far that I would considered saying carrot orange hair might make the runway this spring and if your not into bright orange, the older ladies were supporting gently frosted purple highlights. Grey is out purple is in. But more incredible than the hair, was the communities strength. It isn't like it is back in the states, where everyone and their mother that goes to umich is jewish, and it isn't back at home where the JCC is pimped out with huge work out rooms and full length swimming pools, the community is a very small, modest group and they are really there for each other. All of the kids know the adults and all of the adults whether they are 96 or 52 know all of the younger kids. Everyone in their jewish community helps each other out and it is truly fascinating. After our Purim delight, we headed to the bus where in just a matter of seconds, not even minutes, the entire Isenberg clan, united as a team, and did what we do best, crashed like the stock market and fell right asleep. I didn't wake up until we reached the border of Hungary and that was only for 2 minutes in order to give Mama I. my passport and besides that I slept the entire 2 and a half hours to Budapest. We made it safely on the plane and I began reading one of Amy I's trashy love novels. She just loves them. She only brought 7 books with her, worried that she might not have enough to do. For those of you who have not met Amy Isenberg, let me tell you she is an incredible human being and I love her. Two hours later, the Isenberg family set foot in the land of great wonders. Thank goodness Amy I. was able to get over her fears of bad smells, and the true nose of all nose's, officially said "Florence does not smell bad". Anyone worried about the different smells of Europe, for fear you might not like them, just ask Amy Isenberg because she is the nose of our family. My parents are staying at this fabulous hotel called Hotel Bernini, right behind the butt of the fake David in Piazza Signoria. Each room is decorated in the style of a renaissance but modern day palace. Everyone unpacked their bags and then we did a mini tour before dinner. Rule number 1: Don't ask for recommendations from the front desk of hotel, be sporadic and look for yourself or else you will land in the hole of tourists. I wasn't sure what would and wouldn't be open for dinner on a Sunday night at 8:30, so I asked the woman at the front desk for some advice, she recommended a place called "Natailano" and promised me, very few people there would speak english. Maybe she miss understood me, but EVERYONE THERE SPOKE ENGLISH. The entire fiesta behind us had the worlds deepest and dirtiest southern accent. I don't care that Americans have invaded this city, there isn't anything I can do about it. BUT there are 10,000 restaurants here, and I know for sure there are places with and without tourists and I wanted to give my family the true Italian experience. For the record, The Isenberg family will not be returning to Nataliano. Lets just say we got tricked by the bread. Obviously the most important task of the evening was to take them to my favorite gelatoria, Perche No. Mama I. (as in Isenberg) made the worlds most important discovery in all of Italy. I didn't think it was possible nor did I know something so incredible and revolutionary could happen like this. It has now completely changed my experience here, I AM GOING TO SCREAM THIS FROM THE MOUNTAIN TOPS, ITALY HAS GELATO THAT TASTES LIKE PINKBERRY. Just think gelato, thick and creamy, wondrous and delicious mixed with a little bit of the worlds most addicting frozen yogurt, its thin as silk and mouthwatering as a watering can (not sure what that means but the sensation of Pinkberry is incredible. Ask my second family back in L.A, and they will tell you that I would do anything for a pinkberry) So what more could you want than an Italian pinkberry YES! After fireworks and shooting stars buzzed through the air for Mama I's new found discovery, I bravely brought the fam to meet the roommates. AHH TERRIFYING. But the chickens were on their best behavior and I was throughly impressed until Pants just had to pull out some story about her touching a statues nipple. Not that my family cared but awkward. I finally reunited with my little fury animal, the Gorilla and we were able to catch up for about negative 5 seconds in bed before I started falling asleep. I will come clean about a hidden secret, live for everyone to read, I have an eye witnesses and I can't hold back anymore, let the truth be heard, I do snore. Terrifying and embarrassing, the Gorilla has caught me in a duel action packed snore, and I wanted to let you all know before any other rumors begin. Off to bed, exhausted from eating so much food this weekend. I love having the family here and I can't wait to show them my motherland. Ciao ciao! Oh and Happy Birthday Minki Pinki and Miss Andrea Pack!

the SIX-tain of march ness

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