Sunday, March 23, 2008

three good choices for five good isenbergs.

Unfortunately I had leave behind the fam for a majority of the day because Monday is the day when my classes take over. After painting, Mama I., Papa I, little Adam I. and Amy I. met me at my apartment and then I gave them a tour of my school and showed them some of my work. It was only slightly awkward when I showed my entire family my double exposure photo project and my whoo haws were hidden in the image. I just made Little Adam I. turn around because that is just crossing the brother/sister line. My Italian teacher recommended a restaurant for this evening. We made three very good decisions tonight. Uno:, we did not take a recommendation from the front desk. Due: We did not eat the bread at the table Tre: we made our way back to Perche No for more Pinkberry Gelato. Yum Yum Yum. Little Adam I. and Amy I. ordered the infamous Florentine Bistecca (did you say bistecca?) The steak was bigger than the entire plate. Little Adam I. is not so little anymore and has been thoroughly enjoying any opportunity to become a wine connoisseur. Like father like son. With his more mature mindset on this Saint Patties of Green Beer Patties Day and by mature I mean because we are in Italy where the drinking age is 2, Little Adam I. and Papa I. thought it would be fun to go to an Irish Pub to watch a some Futbal (for those of you back home, soccer) Now I will be the first to admit that I was just a wee bit embarrassed when we all walked into the Irish pub full of 20-year-old drunk American kids with my parents. Not that my parents are embarrassing at all, I just felt that we were out of place and for the first five minutes I think my insides turned the color of the beer they were serving, but then I got over it really fast when I realized there was a big screen TV, and that you only live once, and that my parents and sibs were only going to be visiting once, so I might as well get over it. Papa I. almost had a heart attack, not because there were so many kids or the soccer game was so intense but I think he had a wee bit of a realization of the constant struggle that I face everyday when he went to go pay for a couple of beers and realized that 5 euro is WAY too much for a cup of beer. (5 euros is like 8.50) We watched the end of the soccer and then I was starting to overheat because the masses kept piling in and we (meaning, Mama I. and Amy I. and I decided that we had had enough and it was time to go) Luckily Papa I. was on board because we all know Little Adam I. could have stayed the entire night. Dear The College Whom Accepts Mr. Adam Jeffery Isenberg, beware, this child knows all and wants to always have a fun time. I don't think Little Adam I is different than any other boy his age but it is just weird seeing you little, shnuggle bunny brother be in high school and almost old enough to drive. We were all picking on Little Adam I. and for shiz and gigz we made him take the "walk-the-line" test but instead of having him drunk, we made him spin in circles to see if he could make those monster feet of his walk in a straight line. He needs a little work. I decided to stay at the hotel with the fam tonight because the Gorilla was staying with her Mama and I would be lonely with out her. We were going to watch a movie, and the three of us nearly spent 25min. debating/fighting about which movie we wanted to watch when all of the sudden both Little Adam I. and I decided we were going to probably fall asleep and that Amy I. could just choose the movie. Agreement is one thing we Isenberg's have a difficult time doing. Obviously Amy I. and I were completely in favor of chick flicks and or chick flick comedies and obviously Little Adam I. didn't want to even consider any of the movies we agreed upon. Amy I. wasn't all that helpful either. She choose three movies that she would be willing to watch and as we turned the page to see our other options she would say that she would be willing to watch the same three movies over and over again. Luckily, Little Adam I and I decided that sleep was a better option or we could of been up the whole night just deciding what we wanted. I am getting the sniffles, which will probably lead to a cold which is very bad. I need to be a perky host for the next two days because the fam damn leaves Wednesday and I need to make sure they have the best time.

from two's days the 18th 08.

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