Monday, March 17, 2008

Hump Day.

Happy Hump Day.
Tonight we headed to Noir for a fancy in your pants, fancy pants, apertivo. Every single time we go there the Gorilla and I begin our by saying and swearing that we are not going to eat as much as we did the last time. Indeed every time we eat more than we did the time before. The only bad thing about this apertivo is that I never end up liking their drinks. If I order the fruity drinks that I really like, like a Belini, everyone gets mad at me for ordering a drink that costs as much as just buying the whole bottle. So I tried to be a bit more risky and order something that people would approve of, like a pina colada but I ended up hating it, only drinking a small amount and handing the rest of it to the Gorilla and her Gorilla mate. They got the job done. Like after all Noir apertivo's we needed to chase down the salty, rich food with a Coca Cola Light. We ended up finding a hole in the wall room full of vending machines and Coca Cola Lights and Diet Pepsi's. And a one of a kind....only-in-the-pasta-capital-of-the-world, would we find a vending machine that serves ready to eat, hot pasta cuisines to go. For just 3.50 euro, you don't have to bother with service fees, just the simple plop and drop of coins is all you have to do (but I can't guarantee it will be good). I am going to taste one before I leave. We ended up making this magical vending machine room into a 7th grade hang out spot. We did a taste test to see if we each could tell the differences between Coca Cola regular, Coca cola light and Diet pepsi. The Gorilla mate was obviously the worst at it. Truth be told, we can make anything fun. Who needs Yab or BeBop or Marcano and alcohol when you have a room full of vending machines and taste testing. The children headed back home for shnuggle time and movie watching, while I made my way over to the Meredith of Looney Looney's house to chit chat and pick up my long awaited package my mom sent with her abroad a good three weeks ago. You know you are lucky when you have friends in your life that you might not talk to everyday or even every couple of months or even a year but still when you get together it is as if nothing has changed. I have a few of those lucky friendships. I am off to Budapest tomorrow to meet reunite with the whole family. Watch out all of Europe, the Isenberg's are coming to town and I just can't wait.

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